About your scores

Understand how your scores are calculated


About your scores


Understand how your scores are calculated

8.9 worth profile/photo is better than 89% of other comparable profiles/photos tests submitted on Caterpie by other users. Test is comparable if it was submitted by a user of same gender as yours, was rated by identical gender as your test was, and raters were coming from the same region as raters on your test. Therefore the difference can be substantial, for both genders. E.g. a female with 8.9 attractivness would likely be selected as "Top pick" by dating apps. For males, it could mean going from very little matches to a lot of matches. As it's well known top percentiles of male profiles amass most of the matches on dating apps due to gender imbalance of its users.

Try and see yourself. We put in a lot of thought on how to make the algorithms behind the scores as robust as possible, hence translating in results you should observe directly in dating apps in your region of interest and age group.

No. Standards for beauty and other traits depend on culture, what people in one corner of the world find attractive may not hold for folks from another one. Your test could receive a lot of contradictory votes. For highest accuracy, it's best if you select single or multiple culturally similar regions.

Try to implement feedback from Caterpie users into your next shots. Key to success is to iterate on your profile, improving with each iteration. Have you made sure your photos are sharp and crisp? Maybe try a smile? Different angle? Closer crop? Read a fashion magazine? Hit the gym more? Caterpie users have the option to provide specific actionable feedback on what is good or bad on your profile via Feedback chips. Make sense of them. Work on those areas and we are sure your next score will be higher. Some physical traits are born with - like facial symmetry, and while the upper limit on the score may differ between individuals, there is quite some space for improvement for all users.

Not necessarily. One should try to achieve highest possible score while maintaining the natural look of their profile. The last thing we want is to blast the dating scene with "surprises" on the day of the actual meeting. Said that, you should try to improve your score with common practices, like exploring various angles, hitting the gym or styling your clothes up. Think of what story and personality do you want to convey with your profile. Achieving this with people you know may be difficult, because providing honest feedback is hard, that's why we created Caterpie - facilitate it at scale.

Yes. No matter what is your age and the age of the other person, if you both select the same comparative age group, your scores should be comparable. Note though, it's very hard, yet not impossible - let's say for a person in their 40s to achieve high score while being compared to 20-24 age group.

About rating

How to rate others, best practices

About rating

How to rate others, best practices

No. One should not make it "tougher" or "easier" for younger/older users.You should only focus on how their profile appeals to you. Rate them as YOU would do in real life, don't think on how their peers would consider them. Your internal threshold to rate somebody high should not be any different whether they are 35, 45 or 20. Just as in real life, it wouldn't change, however the probability that somebody appeals to you is naturally affected by age.

Don't consider just the last or first picture. Rate the profile as a whole. Consider all pictures and cast your ratings how the whole profile appeals to you - like in real life on dating apps.

By rating others you will receive certain amount of Love credits after you cast each vote. To receive votes on your tests, Love will be consumed from your balance. How much Love you receive and need depends on current split of users on Caterpie (gender, region, age).

No. At the moment the only way to increase your balance is to rate others. In future, we may include payment options to gain Love.

Providing feedback via quick Feedback chips is optional. You may get an extra Love for doing so. In general, feedback chips are very valuable for the recepient, as they provide actionable insights on how to improve a profile.

About Caterpie

Why we created Caterpie and other miscellaneous questions

About Caterpie

Why we created Caterpie and other miscellaneous questions

We believe anybody deserves a match. Frequently, users of dating apps are lost and down by not receiving any matches or only matches of low quality. At Caterpie, we believe with right feedback anybody can evolve their profile as well as themselves and find that special one.

Yes. Usage of Caterpie is entirely free. Certain insights may become paid in the future to cover the costs. As well as option to purchase Love credits.

Feel free to reach out on support@caterpie.io if you wish your account to be deleted.


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